This clinical study was conducted to evaluate peri-implant soft tissue health of two implants retained complete mandibular overdenture with Zirconia-PEEK telescopic attachment. Six completely edentulous patients of both sexes and average age of 60 years old were selected for this study. Each patient received two implants in the mandibular canine regions. Maxillary conventional complete dentures were constructed against mandibular implant retained over dentures for all patients. Zirconia-PEEK telescopic attachments were fabricated to retain the over dentures where primary crowns were made of zirconia and secondary ones were made of PEEK. Peri-implant soft tissue health (modified gingival index, modified plaque index and probing depth)was evaluated at the time of over denture insertion (T0), three months (T3) and six months later (T6).Results of this study revealed that, after 6 months of overdenture use, no statistically significant difference was found in all measured peri-abutment soft tissue health parameters. Within limitations of this study, it could be concluded that: zirconia-PEEK telescopic attachment may be considered as a biologically promising attachment system regarding preservation of peri-implant soft tissue health of implant retained overdentures.