Penetrating injuries to skull and brain account for 0.4% of the total head injuries, and among them, transorbital - orbitocranial penetrating injuries (TOPIs) are very rare representing only 0.04 % of total head injuries. In this article, we report a case of 20-year-old male presented to our Trauma centre with through and through perforated injury to the skull sustained during a roadside accident involving moving truck laden with protruding rods and deceased pillion riding a motorbike, just behind the truck. Such kind of penetration of the skull from the orbital cavity in an accidental case is uncommon and rarely reported. Recent laws of central motor vehicle act, India prohibits vehicles to carry rods/poles or any protruding material beyond the body frame. However, due to the unscrupulous practices with the due collusion of law enforcement officials and transporters, these rules are openly flouted, and such vehicles are seldom impounded, fully knowing that they pose an imminent danger to others on the road. This paper stresses the need for strict implementation of laws and also discusses the mechanism of such injuries.