Aim: To analyse the visual outcome, efficacy and stability of secondary iris claw lens implantation in aphakic eyes. Material And Methods: Prospective, descriptive study. 30 aphakic eyes with inadequate capsular support were evaluated and taken up for secondary iris claw lens implantation after obtaining ethical clearance approval. Written informed consent was obtained from the participants of the study. Patients with significant anterior and posterior segment pathologies were excluded from the study. A detailed examination was done including torch light examination, Best Corrected Visual Acuity assessed with +10 Diopters and pin hole, slit lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy and Goldmann Applanation Tonometry. Standard Iris claw lens was implanted following anterior vitrectomy. Post operatively, topical antibiotics and steroids were given in tapering doses for 6 weeks. Patients were followed up 6 months to evaluate the visual outcome and stability of iris claw lens. Results: All patients were in the age group of 45-80 years. 16 patients had aphakia in the right eye and 14 patients had aphakia in the left eye. Preoperatively, 20 patients (66%) had a vision of less than 6/18. Postoperatively 23 patients(76%) out of 30 aphakic patients obtained a vision of more than 6/12 and 7 patients(23%) obtained a vision of 6/24 to 6/18. 1 patient had decentration of the lens which was corrected with repositioning. Conclusion: Iris claw lens is safe and effective with a low complication rate to correct aphakia.