Virtual reality is the human computer interface that facilitates visualization of three-dimensional images with details so as to evoke a real experience. The aim of this article is to emphasize the use of virtual dental simulators in dental education.There are different dental simulators available today in the market such as Voxel Man Dental, Moog Simodont Dental Trainer, Virteasy Dental Simulators etc. These devices provide 3D virtual tooth models and any dental procedure can be practiced on the screen, such as cavity preparation, access cavity preparation, root canal therapy as well as endodontic microsurgery. The concept is based on the premise that no patient should bear the brunt of learning curve and every patient is rendered the best treatment possible. Simulators improve the precision of students while performing clinical exercises. Their assets are far greater than their liabilities and hence they can act as a trump card in imparting quality dental education.