Rooftop kitchen garden formed on the building due to the various opportunities of urban people. Rooftop garden is best example of integrated farming developed in a urban agriculture. In 2020 onward the urban agriculture is act a important role in urban people. Rooftop kitchen garden provide vegetable, fruits, spices, from own roof. Professional people are adopted frequently and give importance to cultivate rooftop farming as kitchen garden. The container garden is defined as the planted or cultivation take place by container at rooftop. Rooftop garden require less water and soilless culture. It plans to cultivate in containers and reduce space of roofs. Irrigation facility is become easy to cultivate. Strom and rain water is also use directly in rooftop. The Bio-compost, bio-fertilizer, culture media used on rooftop garden. During COVID-19 pandemic rooftop garden take part very important role for protection and food security. Rooftop garden, balcony garden, terrace garden are important part of the urban agriculture which is provide organic fresh vegetable to kitchen.