Introduction: Patients with foreign body in the urinary tract is an uncommon presentation in the urology clinics .Causes of this urinary tract foreign bodies are at times interesting. We have prospectively studied the incidence, causes, management and complications of the foreign bodies.
Materials & Methods: Between January 2012-December 2016 24 patients were treated for retained foreign body at Government Rajaji Hospital. Patients with retained foreign bodies in the urinary tract and those who have self introduced the foreign body were included in the study. All the patients were evaluated and diagnosis confirmed with radiological investigations. Treatment protocol discussed with the patients and all underwent surgical procedures.
Results: 24 patients were included in the study. Out of the 24, retained DJ stent was seen in 14 patients. They underwent Uretero renoscopy / ICL & DJ stenting. Four patients had TCu in the bladder and Cystoscopic removal done .3 patients had encrustation over ruptured foley bulb. These patients underent vesico lithotripsy along with f.b removal .3 patients had self introduced foreign body for sexual gratification. Meatotomy done for one and cystoscopic removal done for the other two.
Conclusion: Foreign bodies inside urinary tract are uncommon in both sexes. High index of suspicion in required in patients with LUTS. Patients should be adequately counseled if any foreign material is kept or left inside urinary tract. Foreign bodies may be used as an indigenous sex toys in both sexes. Treatment protocol should be individualized according to the type and site of the foreign body.