Study demonstrates the application of GIS technologies and APEX model for watershed management in Basad watershed, Rajsthan India. Extensive processing of static and dynamic data for the study area were performed using GIS technologies for use in APEX model. DEM for the study area was generated using extrapolated contours taken from 1:50,000 scale Survey of India topographic map. Satellite interpreted data for the land use and digitized soil map using NBSSLUP soil map with a resolution of 1:500,000 were used to prepare the land use and soil input files for APEX model run. To know the flow direction and topographic information required to build the Subarea file of APEX, the automatic delineation of watersheds was done by using the DEM as input to AVSWAT model. The target outflow point is interactively selected. A threshold value of 25 ha has been used for generating the stream network which primarily decides the density of the stream network and consequently the number of sub basins. With this setup model was run successfully but the results could not be tested against the observed flow due to unavailability of data on observed flow for the study area. However, the trend in simulated daily flow followed the trend in observed rainfall which indicate that the framework can be used to model the relative changes in flow component under different conservation practices as compared to this base run.