Level of knowledge about first aid in unintentional injuries in students of the nursing career

Melva Guzmán Aguilar., María De Jesús Heredia Covarrubias., Ma. Del Pilar Pastor Durán., Maribel Sepúlveda Covarrubias and Lorena Inés Bernal Mendoza

First aid is immediate care, which can be given to an injured person to stabilize their health status. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about first aid of unintentional injuries in students of Nursing no.1 of the UAGro. Methodology The design was quantitative, not experimental, transversal and descriptive, a self-applied survey was used with 18 items in a sample of 92 students, the data obtained were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS version 22. Results: more than half of the students have a regular level of knowledge (54.3%), only 32.6% know the correct definition of first aid, 33.7% have not participated in drills for the care of injuries, only 33.7% would act In the correct way to a burn, most identify a cardiorespiratory arrest and perform the appropriate techniques in 87%, in case of hemorrhage 69.6% would use an adequate method to stop it, and 72.8% would properly immobilize a fracture. Conclusion: First aid training in nursing students should have priority during their training, as it would help them to provide adequate care in the presence of an unintentional injury. Bibliographic references: Muñoz R D. Uso de guías didácticas en el Taller de Primeros Auxilios para Enfermería. Rev. Enfermería Actual en Costa Rica. [Internet]. 2011 feb [citado 18 nov 2017]; 20. Disponible en: http://www.redalyc.org/html/448/44821178003/, Villar A. M. Nivel de conocimiento de primeros auxilios relacionado a traumatismo encéfalo craneano por accidente de tránsito en los estudiantes y docentes de la FAEN-UNJBG. Tacna, Perú. [Internet]. 2011 [citado 18 de noviembre 2017]. Recuperado a partir de: http://repositorio.unjbg.edu.pe/ bitstream/handle/UNJBG/216/TG0066.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y, Mathews D. J., Pinedo V. M., Zavaleta M. P., Gutiérrez C. J. Conocimiento y actitudes hacia accidentes ocupacionales biológicos en estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía, Peruana. [Internet]. 2012 [Citado 18 de noviembre 2017]. Recuperado a partir de: http://revistas.unapiquitos.edu.pe/index.php/Conocimientoamazonico/artic... 88/174Canales M, Palomino S, y Peña G. Nivel de conocimientos de primeros auxilios en estudiantes de la institución educativa “Josefina Mejía De Bocanegra”. Nazca 2012. Rev.enferm. vanguard. 2014; 2(2): 161-167.

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