Objective: Pediatric flatfoot is where the whole plantar area of the foot comes into purely or slightly flat with the ground or fallen of the MLA with hind foot eversion and forefoot abduction. Calcaneal taping is one of the effective treatments to correct the foot arch and caused by loss of elasticity of the intrinsic muscle and also known as low dye taping with calcaneal sling.The objective isto determine the effects of anti-pronation spiral stirrup taping and calcaneal taping on static foot pressure on pediatric flatfoot.
Method: The study is a randomized control trial carried out at Lovely Professional University, Out-Patient Department Punjab. Total 30 patients between age group3-10, both males and females having Foot posture index score more than +5 were randomly allocated to Group A and B. Group A anti-pronation spiral stirrup taping with home based exercises, Group B received calcaneal taping with home based exercises intervention three times for 4 weeks.
Results: There was a statistical significant difference of pre-post reading within area and maximum pressure on both right and left foot in Calcaneal taping. On the flip side, there were no significant changes seen in Anti-pronation taping. The main outcome of the study was area and maximum pressure using Win-Track Medicaptures.
Conclusion: Calcaneal taping was more effective than anti-pronation spiral stirrup taping in improving the navicular height or MLA and decreasing excessive calcaneal eversion.