The behavior of dairy cows dependent on the interaction between the cow and their physical environment. The physical factors of facility impose baseline limitations on how the cows will interact with the housing conditions. Within these limitations the ability of cows to engage in natural behaviour is further dictated by management routines such as grouping strategy and stocking density. Social dominance, overcrowding and competition for feed impact feeding behavior and proper grouping strategy. These aspects of dairy management may affect not only cow comfort but also feeding and milk yield. This paper reports Common breeds of Cow Found in different Dairy Farms of Jabalpur Division, and their housing condition and management and its effect on feeding behavior of cow and milk production. Data were collected from different house pens, charitable, private and government dairy farms of Jabalpur Division (MP). Dairies were visited during month of December 2016 to January 2018. Total 785 cows were observed. The objective was conduct a survey of dairy management practices that have an effect on dairy cows well being.