A prevalence study of Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels was performed in male patients attending medical check-up in some private clinics and laboratories in Port Harcourt metropolis. PSA level of 85 male patients was monitored. Age, weight, diabetes, hypertension and basic life style of these patients was taken into consideration while running the PSA investigation. Oral consent was sought from the patients informing them that the investigations will be used for academic exercise. Venous blood sample was taken in a vacutainer containing lithium heparin anticoagulant, separated and the serum used for the PSA test with the aid of automated micro plate Reader. Sixteen of these patients are known diabetics, representing 18.8%. Eighteen of the patients are on hypertensive drugs representing 21.17%, while others are non-diabetics and non-hypertensive. None of the patients is obese.Results obtained show a 45% deviation from the normal value of <4ng/ml. 60% of these deviations are between the ages of 56-70 years of which many of them are from the diabetics and hypertensive group. Among the patients whose PSA values deviated from the normal, 12% has PSA values of 51-82ng/ml and are recommended for biopsy while the remaining 33% had PSA values of 8-22ng/ml with no pains or discomfort and are considered asbenign. This study reveals the age as well as other ailments implication in prostate cases among male patients investigated.