Introduction: Ureteric stenting following removal of upper tract stones is almost universal in the management of stone disease. Its use however is fraught with risk forgotten stent with serious implications both to the patients and the treating urologist. This study evaluated the presentation and the management of patients with forgotten ureteral stents at our institution.
Methods: All patients with forgotten ureteral stents (patients who did not follow up for stent removal within 3 months of procedure) who were treated at our institution in between August 2015 to July 2016 were included.
Results: A total of 26 patients with forgotten ureteral stents were included in the study. The median indwelling time was 6 months. All stents were removed by endourologic techniques. In total, 31 stents were removed, 8 stents were removed by simple cystoscopy, 4 required SWL only, 14 stents were removed by ureteroscopy, and 5 stents required PCNL for stent removal. 25 stents required a combination therapy. A mean of 1.92 procedures were required per patient for stent removal and stone clearance.
Conclusions: Forgotten ureteral stents can be managed by endourological techniques. Proper education of patients about the importance of having their stent removed at the appropriate time reduces morbidity.