Learningdisability is a complex phenomenon, not just a health problem. A pre-experimental study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of awareness programme on knowledge of learning disabilities of school children among primary school teachers. The conceptual framework adopted for the study was based on system model. Materials and methods: Non-probability convenience sampling technique was adopted to select 72 primary school teachers in selected primary schools of Tehatta I and II circle under Tehatta-I block, Nadia district. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of learning disabilities of school children. Results: The study result revealed that mean post-test knowledge score was significantly higher than mean pre-test knowledge score at 0.001 level of significance (‘t’ value at df71 = 38.52 P<0.001).The obtained chi square value revealed that there was a significant association was found between pre-test knowledge scores of primary school teachers with age, year of experience and special training on learning disabilities. It is recommended that further study can be done on learning disabilities among primary school teachers by using standardized tools.