Cyclea peltata (Padakkizhangu or Padathally) belongs to the family of Menispermaceae and is one of the pharmacologically essential plants known to own medicinal values mentioned in the primitive scriptures of Ayurveda. The traditional use of Cyclea peltata is reported in different parts of India; phytochemical studies report that the plant has various constituents that add to its pharmacological properties, such as alkaloids like tetrandrine, fangchinoline, cycleanorine, cycleadrine, cycleacurine, cycleapeltine, disochondrodendrine. Traditionally, the plant reports both internal and external therapeutic applications for managing several diseases. Externally, it is used as a wound healer, for managing sinuses, snake poison, and skin disorders such as purities and erysipelas. Internally, the plant is used as an appetizer, laxative, digestive, anthelmintic agent, breast milk purifier, blood purifier, febrifuge, refrigerant, expectorant, inflammation, diuretic agent, and skin disorders. Cyclea peltata leaf has reported antioxidant, antidiuretic, antihyperlipidemic, hepatoprotective, and antibacterial properties. The peltata root has anti lithiatic, antidiabetic, and anti-ulcer properties. Hence, the present study explores the reported remedial effects of Cyclea peltata.