Introduction: Stroke, after heart disease and cancer, is the third most common cause of death. Diabetes mellitus by virtue of its association with micro vascular and macrovascular disease is an important risk factor in the genesis of stroke. Most of the diabetic patients with stroke have raised glycosylated hemoglobin indicating that most of them have uncontrolled diabetes. Diabetics and stress Hyperglycemics have severe strokes resulting in poor outcome. Stroke is twice more common in diabetics than in non diabetics.
• To measure the blood glucose level within twenty four hours of the onset of stoke in both diabetics and in non-diabetics
• To evaluate the severity and prognosis in both diabetics and non-diabetics in relation to hyperglycemia.
Materials and Methods: A total of hundred patients of acute stroke admitted in the department of medicine, Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad between November 2015 to November 2017 were studied. Complete history was taken, clinical examination was done and clinical diagnosis for each patient was arrived. The severity of stroke for each patient is calculated based on NIH stroke scale (NIHSS)4. Within 24 hours of diagnosis, blood samples were sent for blood sugar levels estimation.
Results: The glycemic index was associated with size of the lesion, outcome of the patients with ischemic stroke with statistical significance of P<0.05. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.71, P = 0.01) between admission day sugar value and the outcome of stroke. Higher admission day elevated blood glucose level has increased mortality and high risk of poor functional recovery.