Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing field with numerous applications in science and technology, industry, environment, and energy, to name a few. Halloysite is an abundant, commercially viable clay nanomaterial available in many forms and dimensions, including short tubules, spheroids, and platy clays (kaolin and mountain morillonite). Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are suitable for wound healing due to their high mechanical strength, biocompatible properties, and hemostasis. They have been extensively studied for their use as biocompatible nanocontainers with controlled and gradual release of antiseptics. Therefore, they can be used for the treatment of antibacterial and antiseptic injuries. In addition, they can also be used as a medium for drug delivery and are a viable alternative for wound healing applications. The incorporation of HNTs into porous sponges improves their flexibility, compressive strength, and tightness of the elastic module. In this review, the use of HNT-based composites in wound management is summarized, focusing on their controlled release properties.