Background: Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) is a potentially malignant disorder, with 7.6% malignant transformation rate. This is one of the major health threats in Asia; particularly in India this has high prevalence so this also called as Indian’s disease. Areca nut is one of the etiologic factors which show sequential cellular changes.
Methodology: Total 30 OSMF patients of age range 16 to 30 years were randomly selected after their consents. Further these patients were divided into 2 groups, with 15 patients in each group. One group was given established Antioxidant tablets, whereas others were given conservative management, and routine follow up was scheduled at interval of 15 days for 6 months.
Results: The clinical parameters assessed in this study are; burning sensation, vesicles and inter incisal mouth opening (IIO). The group which was on antioxidant therapy showed better improvements in all clinical parameters, as compared to the group which was on conservative management (p<0.05). Though both the intervention approaches are safe and economic to the patients, but antioxidants can be better option to avoid future OSMF relate complications and further large sample size studies are needed to validate this.