Globalization and privatization have brought new work relationships, job insecurity, insecurity regarding future working conditions and rapid obsolescence of skills are causes of stress. IT industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in India. Strong demand over the past few years has placed India among the fastest growing IT markets in Asia-Pacific region.
The reason for choosing particularly IT and ITES employees is that the level of stress these employees face is comparatively higher than other employees. Any kind of a job has targets, and an employee becomes stressed when he or she is allotted with unachievable targets and are unable to manage a given situation. The individuals working in the information technology field face more stress because they have to update their knowledge continuously
The present paper aims to focus on stress and its consequences in women’s life. It also focuses on how working women in IT sector under much stress. And this paper also demonstrates tips to help manage and reduce stress levels in their working as well as personal life.