Background: Understanding the natural history of venous thrombosis is important for optimal management of limb deep vein thrombosis. Once risk factors are recognized it is possible to avoid these risk factors or to use active prophylaxis to reduce the morbidity and mortality.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to document the clinical presentation, acquired predisposing risk factors and inherited risk factors of limb deep vein thrombosis
Methods: This is a descriptive study done prospectively in 30 patients admitted with a diagnosis of limb deep vein thrombosis during MAY 2021 to OCTOBER 2021
Results and Conclusion: Most of our patients were male {56%} and majority belongs to age group 20-40 years. Pain with limb swelling were the most common presenting symptoms in limb deep vein thrombosis. 28% patients presented with recurrence of venous thrombosis.78% patients with symptomaticdeep vein thrombosis had involvement of calf muscle veins. 36.6% patients had no evidence of acquired risk factors, while 66% of patients had one or more acquired risk factors .33.3% had high serum homocysteine levelsand among 15 patients’ protein c and s deficiency is seen in 40 percent of patients and factor v laden mutation is seen in 13.3 percent cases and antithrombin 111 deficiency seen in 20 percent cases. Inherited risk factors could not be evaluated in all patients because of financial constraints.