Oral lichen planus can be described as a non-infectious, inflammatory mucocutaneous disorder that affects both skin and mucous membrane. OLP clinically manifests as white striations, white papules, white plaques, erythema, erosions, or blisters. This condition primarily affecting the buccal mucosa, tongue and gingiva. The exact etiology of the disease is not known but it is considered that both antigen-specific and non-specific mechanisms may involve in its pathophysiology. Antigen-specific mechanisms, such as antigen presentation through basal keratinocytes or antigen-specific keratinocyte apoptosis by CD8+ cytotoxic T- cells and non-specific mechanisms such as mast cell degranulation or matrix metalloproteinase activated. In the review articles, we discuss the various mechanisms that could be involved in the pathophysiology of Oral Lichen Planus.