The success of any organization lies in the pool of talent of its workforce. Sourcing and engaging the right talent is a big challenge even in India where unemployment is quite high. The overall successful operations and growth of any organization lies in giving importance to talent acquisition. This study is aimed at giving a solution to the problems involved in their talent acquisition process. The objective is to study the current talent acquisition process in the organization and identify areas for improvement and to study the extent of adoption of best practices in the firm. The study also aims to examine the implementation of new and innovative methods in job analysis, recruitment, screening and selection processes in the organization. Descriptive research approach is applied in the study. Primary data is collected by means of direct interviews. Secondary data is collected from available books, publications, research studies, articles and websites. The market for HR Hospitality is expanding day by day and thus a company or an individual should be aware about different opportunities and threats which may arise in future. Thus it is important to understand the end to end process involved while acquiring the candidates for the job and therefore becomes imperative in the hospitality sector. This paper also discusses the scope of the hospitality sector, contribution towards the economy as well as the challenges faced by the hospitality firm during their regular operations and during the crisis of covid-19.