Aim: This study aimed to compare and evaluate the effect of ProTaper Universal hand files, rotary ProTaper Gold and reciprocating WaveOne Gold on Peri Cervical Dentin (PCD) and canal transportation using Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: A total of sixty bifurcated maxillary first premolars with Schneider’s root angle curvature between 10º–40º (moderate to severe root curvature according to Schneider’s technique) were collected and divided into three groups, Group 1 – ProTaper Universal hand files, Group 2 – Rotary ProTaper Gold and Group 3 – Reciprocating WaveOne Gold. Preoperative scans of each were taken followed by conventional access cavity preparation and working length determination with 10 k file. Instrumentation of the canal was done according to the respective file system, and post instrumentation CBCT scans of teeth were obtained. Ninety μm thick slices were obtained 4 mm apical and coronal to the cementoenamel junction. The PCD thickness was calculated as the shortest distance from the canal outline to the closest adjacent root surface, which was measured in four surfaces, i.e., facial, lingual, mesial, and distal for all the groups in the two obtained scans. To compare and evaluate canal transportation, canals were scanned before and after instrumentation at 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex. The data obtained were entered in an excel spread sheet and analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) V.20 software. The significant value (P value) was set for 0.05 and any value equal to or less than was considered to be significant. Peri Cervical Dentin was analyzed using One Way Anova followed by Tukeys Post Hoc Test and canal transportation was analyzed using Kruskal Walis Test followed by Tukeys Post Hoc test. Pairwise comparison between files was done using Anova for both Peri Cervical Dentin thickness and canal transportation. Results: There was significant difference between all the tested groups and reciprocating WaveOne Gold and rotary ProTaper Gold was found to be significantly better when compared to ProTaper Universal hand files in Peri Cervical dentin removal and causing canal transportation. When comparing was done between reciprocating WaveOne Gold and rotary ProTaper Gold, WaveOne Gold was also found to be significantly better. Conclusion: Gold heat treated reciprocating WaveOne Gold removes the least Peri Cervical Dentin and causes least canal transportation when compared to other two groups and conventional NiTi ProTaper Universal hand files causes the most.