In India wide range of medicinal systems are available. SIDDHA system of medicine was part of Tamil civilization, is receiving more attention in global health care circle, which is unknown to many people. The word ‘Siddha’ comes from ‘Siddhi’ which means an object to be attained or perfection of heavenly bliss. Thus Siddha becomes one of the oldest systems of health care dealing with curative, preventive, preservative aspects and longevity of life in a simplest way. Iron deficiency anemia (Mannun veluppu noi) is a major and global health problem that affects particularly infants, young children, and women of childbearing age in developing countries. Asuvaathi Chooranam is a reputed drug mentioned in the ancient books of siddha medicine for the treatment of Mannun veluppu noi. In the present study an attempt has been made to standardize the Asuvaathi chooranam. Most of the traditional systems of medicine are effective but lack of standardization, so, there is a need to develop a standardization technique. According to PLIM Guidelines, Standardization of drugs confirms identity, determination of quality, purity and detection of adulteration by various parameters. The review article will help to provide details of information about physicochemical analysis, pesticide residues, aflatoxin, sterility test and heavy metals of herbo mineral ingredients of Asuvaathi Chooranam.