Aim: Assess The Health Status Of Garage Workers And Determine Their Knowledge And Practice Regarding Effect Of Garage Waste On Health And Its Prevention. Materials and methods: 320 garage workers are selected by using purposive sampling methods. Knowledge is assessed by structured knowledge questionnaires; practice was assessed by rating scale. Health status of the garage workers was assessed by body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure, health problems with different system. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Result: The study result shows that 33.12% of workers are suffering with overweight, 5.31% are obesity level 1 according to BMI classification. 294 (91.87%) workers are having normal waist circumference and 26 (8.125%) of workers are at risk with increased waist circumference. 39.06% workers are suffering with pre hypertension, 17.81% are suffering with hypertension stage 1 and 1.56% are suffering with hypertension stage 2. There is a negative correlation between knowledge and practice scores (i.e r= -0.308). The mean and SD of knowledge scores is 10.26 and 7.06 respectively. The mean and SD of practice scores is 34.81 and 4.627 respectively. Conclusion: The researcher recommends that in future many studies has to be conduct by health workers among garage workers regarding health problems and their safety and most important is awareness programme on prevention of health hazards among garage workers.