Adolescent pregnancy, which is detrimental to the health of mother and child, is a common public health problem around the world. It is one of the key issues concerning the reproductive health of women not just in developing countries but also in developed countries. There is growing awareness that early childbearing has numerous consequences in terms of maternal health, child health, and overall well-being of the society. Pregnancy among teenagers is considered high risk due to its high incidence of undesirable outcomes like LBW, prematurity, neonatal mortality, maternal mortality, etc. This brief review summarizes the influence of different factors that are believed to be associated with teenage pregnancy and its outcome. The purpose of this article is to review current trends and issues on adolescent pregnancy to update the practitioners. We should take steps not just to improve the reproductive results but also to decrease the incidence of teenage pregnancy by increasing public awareness, ensuring female education, and enforcing marriage law. Teenage pregnancy needs to be tackled as a priority to ease the burden of socioeconomic and health issues.