The professional voice user is an individual whose livelihood depends partially or wholly upon a certain voice quality. If voice is damaged within these professionals, it can be detrimental to their careers and how they are perceived by those around them. One among such professional voice user is Thullal folk fore artists. The long and rigorous duration practices of Thullal art form, poses risk of vocal dysfunction among these elite voice users. Hence, the present study was undertaken under this context.
Voice-samples were recorded from 13 amateur Thullal artists and acoustic analysis was carried out using PRAAT software 5.1.37 version .The result of the present study reveals variations in certain acoustic characteristics of voice. The finding is in agreement with study done by William (2003) which states that PVUs are at an increased risk of having voice disorders. The study necessitates the importance to create awareness among such elite voice performers, of voice disorders and facilities available for voice conservation. It also gave an overall view about the voice characteristics of Thullal artists, which would lead to betterment in provision of treatment and counseling strategies.