One hundred and thirty-two plots, including twelve per market gardening site, were surveyed in Brazzaville to assess the prevalence of bacterial wilt. The latitude and longitude data collected on the plot samples and treated with Arc View GIS 3.2a, made it possible to produce a map of the geographic distribution of the prevalence of bacterial wilt in Brazzaville. The bacterial wilting index is on average 24% and varies significantly depending on the market gardening site considered and its altitude. The intra-urban vegetable production area has the lowest prevalence of bacterial wilt with an average of 17% index. The peri-urban market gardening production areas group together the sites with high prevalence with an average of 29% index of bacterial wilt, that is 30% in the northern periphery and 27% for the southern periphery of Brazzaville. In addition, the indices of bacterial wilt increase with altitude. Altitudes between 560m and 590m have the highest bacterial wilt indices, from 25% to 40%.