Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization in 2014 published strategic for the primary health care and healthy eating, for the prevention of malnutrition, including the restriction of advertising in foods with high-calorie schedule and kids channels. Television became the best choice for the promotion of these foods by the easy access that has in this group.
Objective: To evaluate the degree of Association of the consumption of caloric food, broadcast television, and malnutrition through the theory of the consumption in school children of the school primary Miguel Hidalgo of the municipality of Temamatla, Mexico State.
Method: Study transversal, descriptive, quantitative; shows statistics stratified by clusters of 140 schoolchildren. Instrument: "TV and consumption", Cronbach's Alpha of 0.789; data processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package.
Results: The direct relationship between consumption of caloric foods and the use of broadcast through the Association of P Pearson, with a contention between: 0.35, and greater than 0.05, playing: Association with positive linearity.
Conclusions: Broadcast television keeps, a positive association with regard to consumption, preference and choice of food energy, promoted through advertising campaigns, based on the use of games, dreams, fantasies and characters from fashionable to establish long-term relationships between the school and the brand, which is part of an ephemeral happiness, conditioning perpetual stages of malnutrition.