The objectives of the paper are to analyse the cost, price and profit of Badi Making and to provide the comparative analysis between SHG and Non-SHG Women Badi workers in Keonjhar District of Odisha, India. Phula Badi constitutes the ingredients like black gram with till seeds in the back side of badi. Badi is fried or roasted and consumed as a side- dish with some primary dish. There is significant variation at 1 per cent level in cost of making badi in five study areas. This is because the quality of Phula Badi varies from area to area and worker to worker. It is found that there is significant variation in profit per kg of badi among five study areas. The average sale price of Badi for SHG workers is Rs. 214.33 whereas it is Rs.210.03 for Non SHG workers. The average quantity of badi per day made by SHG Badi workers is 8.02 kg whereas it is only 6.64 kg for Non SHG Badi workers. Since SHG workers are provided training through ORMAS, they are more skilled in badi making which helps in producing higher quantity of Badi per day. It is concluded that the women in Keonjhar district should join in SHGs to earn higher profit.