Fish muscle is very important because of its distinctive composition and hence considered quality food for human consumption. High-protein contents, as well as essential amino acid profile and less stroma make it easily digestible. It is an important raw and good quality material to make different food products. Fish products are very important for human nutrition, however, its economic value is not that much high according to the current situation. A quality evaluation and shelf life studies were conducted for fish value added products named as cutlets, nuggets and fish fingers prepared from edible marine fish Scomberomorus guttatus under room and chilled storage. The organoleptic, chemical and microbiological quality attributes were evaluated for the ready to eat products (fish cutlet, fish nuggets and fish fingers) from under chilled storage. Form the present results fish cutlets, nuggets and fingers showed a decrease trend in moisture and protein content and increased trend in pH and ash content. Total viable count of ready to fry products showed an increasing trend during the storage period. In the present result, fish cutlet was in acceptable condition up to 15 - 25 days; fish nuggets up to 18 - 20 days and fish fingers up to 8- 12 days. Scores for sensory parameters such as appearance, colour, flavour, odour, mouth feel, texture and overall acceptability of ready to eat products were determined during the storage period; it showed a decreasing trend but was within the acceptable limits.