Amavata is most common debilitating joint disorder which makes the life of patient almost crippled. It is seen most commonly in the patients due to their changing dietary habits, social structure, environment and mental stress and strain. De-arrengement of Agni is a chief factor responsible for the formation of Ama, which is main pathological entity of the disease. Due to their similar mode of presentation the term Rheumatoid arthritis can be broadly grouped under the heading of Amavata. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology marked by a symmetric, peripheral polyarthritis, often results in joint damage and physical disability. In contemporary science this condition can be managed by NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, DMARD’s. In Ayurveda many approaches are in practice to treat Amavata but still it remains a challenging problem.So an efficient Ayurvedic treatment that can improve the condition and also overcome the adverse effects of corticosteroids and its dependency is the need of hour. Methods: A female patient aged 35 years approached panchakarama OPD, GAMC-Bangalore with complaints of pain in multiple joints since 10 years associated with. Hard stools once in 2 days and reduced appetite, Based on the symptoms it diagnosd as Amavata and was intervened by chikitsa mentioned in the classics. Results: The patient reported significant improvement in signs and symptoms of the disease. Conclusion: Thus, the above case study has shown that the auto immune disorders such as RA can be managed effectively in Ayurveda by undergoing regular Shodhana and following the regimens accordingly.