Bronchial asthma, a Greek word meaning- "panting", is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and breathlessness. Asthma attacks all age groups irrespective of the gender.
According to World Health Organizationbetween 100-150 million people around the globe-roughly the population of Russian Federation-suffer from asthma, the number is still rising. Worldwide, deaths from asthma have reached over 18000 /a year. Studies show that 1 in 7 children, and 1 in 12 adults, suffer from asthma.
Objectives of the Study
To assess the level of knowledge regarding bronchial asthma among industrial workers.
The descriptive study was conducted using structured knowledge questionnaires. Demographic variables analyzed for the study are age, gender and diagnosis.
The study was conducted among 60 industrial workers of selected textile industry of Belagavi city. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of samples. The structured knowledge questionnaires were used as data collection tool. The data was tabulated and analyzed according to the objectives of the studies using descriptive statistical method.
Finding of the study
The study revealed that most of the workers (73.33%) had average knowledge, 15% had good knowledge and least 11.67% had poor knowledge score regarding bronchial asthma
Interpretation and Conclusion
The study findings were interpreted by descriptive statistics. The study is very much effective to assess the knowledge regarding bronchial asthma among industrial workers.