The Ifangni Commune suffered from strong anthropogenic pressure between 1995 and 2015 and as a consequence, there are serious land problems. Thus, the general objective of the study is to contribute to a better knowledge of gender issues related to primary school enrolment, in order to help Counterpart International and its partners, in particular, the Ministry of Education to better orient and target their actions for an effective fight against these gender-based inequalities in current and future programs. The analysis of the dynamics of occupation of the ground after the processing of LANDSAT image processing and the use of the ISIO model(Impact State Impact and Outcome) have established the relationships between the spatial dynamics and land issues in the Ifangni Township. As for the modeling of land use dynamics, it is done using the SpaCelle model where evolutionary trends in land use units by 2035 have been obtained. Modeling of land-use dynamics shows that between 1995 and 2015, declining categories concern dense plant formations, especially gallery forests and clear forests as well as savanna woodland. The ones that have evolved are the field mosaics and fallows. Projections made towards the 2035 horizon reveal that in the future, while agglomerations, fields and fallows will extend, open forests and savanna woodlands, as well as forests galleries and savannas with agricultural influence will be in net regression. It is important that the municipal authorities define the perimeters of protection of periurban agricultural and natural areas and areas to be urbanized. Similarly, fallow times must be rigorously revised upwards.