Objective: To assess health and general wellbeing of elderly persons.
Methodology: The survey on assessment of health and general wellbeing in elderly persons was conducted in randomly selected sample of 500 volunteers in Himachal Pradesh. General Health Questionnaire was used for the survey. This questionnaire was developed by researchers of University of Lowa Health Care. The questionnaire used in conducting survey was in the form of a proforma.
Observations: In this survey, it was observed that 55% were having good level of health.42% people were having poor eyesight and 76.4% were hard of hearing. Maximum were able to do their daily living activities independently which shows health awareness and optimum level of physical activity in elderly persons and better acceptability with age related problems and bodily pain.
Conclusion: The health and general well-being of elderly in Himachal Pradesh in randomly selected volunteers was found 73.96% i.e. good. However geriatric population suffers from a number of comorbidities and healthcare policies should address them for better health.