Background/Aim: Nanobubble has a possibility to produce the hydroxyl radical by sonification, etc. The free radical such as hydroxyl radical is harmful for human beings. There is no research that has reported the effect of nanobubble to the free radicals such as hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion radical. In this research, the effect of nanobubble onpresence of free radicals is investigated.
Material & Method: N2, O2, H2or CO2 nanobubblesare produced by using a porous ceramic, whereas H2 nanobubble is prepared by electrolysis. Hydroxyl radical is produced by H2O2solution irradiated by using ultraviolet light. Superoxide anion radicals are prepared by hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase system. The radicals are measured by ESR using G-CYPMPOas trapping reagent.
Conclusion: CO2 nanobubble can reduce the concentration of hydroxyl radical, while the CO2 nanobubble increases the concentration of superoxide anion. H2 nanobubble produced by electrolysis can reduce the superoxide anion concentration, however, the H2 nanobubble cannot decrease the hydroxyl radical. The H2 nanobubble produced in water containing CO2 nanobubble is useful for scavenging both hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals.