Bronchial asthma is a respiratory disorder. Autonomic imbalance may contribute to increase in the airway reactivity. The autonomic abnormalities in asthmatic patients are generalized and not limited to airways only. In order to assess the autonomic abnormalities, safe and easily reproducible cardiovascular autonomic reflex function tests were performed. Our study was conducted in Department of Physiology, SMCH, after obtaining approval from the Institutional Ethical committee. A total of 150 individuals, of age group 18-35 years, both males and females were selected. Among them 75(study group) were diagnosed cases of asthma and 75 (control group) were healthy age matched individuals. Cardiovascular sympathetic function tests performed were-Blood pressure response to sustained hand grip and Blood pressure response to Cold Pressor Test. The statistical analysis was done using MS Office Excel 2007 and SPSS 20. The mean± standard deviation rise of DBP with sustained hand grip test (at 2 min) is compared between asthmatics and controls. The rise is more in asthmatics and the difference is found to be significant. The mean± standard deviation rise of DBP (diastolic blood pressure) with Cold Pressor Test (at 1 min) is also compared between asthmatics and non asthmatics. The rise is more in asthmatics and the difference is found to be significant.