In the changed scenario there is a critical and utmost need to empower the rural women through involving them in different other vocations than agriculture as the growth of crop production and earning from it is stagnant now a days. In this perspective, the rural women in the state of Manipur are doing a remarkable job in case of involving themselves in dairy farming. Consequently, the present study was conducted to assess the overall involvement of women in dairy farming in Manipur state of India. In this study, overall involvement has been conceptualized as the composite form of physical involvement and decision involvement. Three districts of Manipur namely, Imphal East, Imphal West and Thoubal were selected for the study. Purposive, multistage as well as simple random sampling procedures were followed in this study. The total sample constitutes hundred women dairy farmers. The overall involvement has been taken as the predicted variable. Other than these 19 predictor or independent variables has been considered to characterize the overall involvement of women in dairy farming. The selected respondents were personally interviewed with the help of a structured interview schedule. Majority of the respondents are under the group of low level of overall involvement, 42.19-56.83 (75%). The result reveals that the variable caste, mobility of women and management orientation is negatively and significantly associated with the overall involvement of women dairy farmers. Multiple regression analysis of overall involvement of women with the 19 predictor variables reflects that the variables such as caste and economic motivation are negatively and significantly contributing towards characterizing the overall involvement of women in dairy farming. On the contrary, the variable farm power is positively and significantly contributing towards characterizing the overall involvement of women in dairy farming.