This study aims to obtain a factual, empirical, and comprehensive overview of the knowledge and interests of young people (High School Students) in the city of Bandung to the art of wayang golek performances. Achieving this goal, this study is designed as a descriptive survey research. The main instrument used to collect research data is questionnaire, and supported by interview, direct observation, and literature review. The population of research used in this study are students of eleven high schools in Bandung. Sampling technique is conducted by strata proportional sampling technique with total of 457 respondents. This research is expected to give solution to revitalization efforts that must be done so that wayang golek (golek puppet) show can be sustainable among the young generation in Bandung. The results show that the younger generation in Bandung have quite positive knowledge on wayang golek art, but in some cases their knowledge about wayang golek seemed less positive or less. In addition, the younger generation agree that wayang golek art needs revitalization efforts to be more attractive to the young generation. Revitalization needs to be created from (1) the character aspect needs to be packed with additional figures outside the grip figure. (2) from the aspect of the storyline, the respondents suggested enhanced humor. (3) from the puppeteer aspect, it should also be played by women or young generation so that it can be more accepted by the younger generation. (4) from the musical aspect, is expected to collaborate with modern music such as dangdut, rock, jazz, etc. (5) from the language aspect, the respondents also stated that there should also be a puppet show presented in Indonesian or other foreign languages. (6) from other supporting aspects, the respondents stated that the wayang golek performance they expected should not always be done at night and not in a long time duration.