The electronic health record (EHR) is a longitudinal electronic record of the patient health care information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting. The information are patient demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology reports. Nurses play an essential role in the acquisition, evaluation and application of the electronic health records. The EHRs allow both the nurses and physicians to have easy access to patient health data and information to make timely clinical decisions. Moreover, this information can be accessed when and where they are needed. Objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding EHR among nursing staffs, to assess the attitude regarding EHR among nursing staffs, to assess the opinion regarding EHR among nursing staffs in selected hospitals, Guwahati, Assam, to find out correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding EHR among nursing staffs and to find out the association of knowledge and attitude with selected demographic variables regarding EHR among nursing staffs in selected hospitals, Guwahati, Assam. A descriptive research design was used in the study to accomplish the objectives. By using non-probability convenience sampling technique, the sample size was selected. The study was conducted among 110 nursing staffs of selected hospitals, Guwahati, Assam. Respondents were selected on the basis of the inclusion criteria. Semi-structured knowledge questionnaire and likert scale were used to assess the knowledge and attitude. Out of 110 respondents Majority 72 (65.45%) of the respondents were in the age group of ≤25 years, 102 (92.72%) respondents were female, 69 (62.72%) respondents were GNM, 58 (52.73%) respondents were attended special training on IT, 52 (47.27%) respondents were attended any special training on EHR. Majority of the respondents 71 (65.55%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 22 (20%) respondents had inadequate knowledge, and 17 (15.45%) respondents had adequate knowledge. Majority of respondents 83 (75.45%) of the respondents had unfavorable attitude and 27 (24.55%) of the respondents had favorable attitude towards EHR. Majority 80% respondents lost recorded data and they didn’t recovered lost data, 69.09%respondentshad frustration due to more than one system for data entry,85.45% respondents had access to a computer on unit whenever need. The mean and standard deviation of knowledge was 7.14 with 2.36 and for attitude was 30.15 with 5.60 respectively. The correlation between knowledge and attitude was found to be (r=1) highly correlated. The association was statistically tested by chi square at α=0.05 level of significant and result showed that there were no significant association between knowledge and attitude with the selected demographic variables like age, gender, professional educational status, special training attended on IT and special training attended on EHR except knowledge with special training attended on IT.
Conclusion: In this study shows out of 110 nursing staffs the majority 71 (65.55%) respondents had moderately adequate knowledge and majority 83 (75.45%) of the respondents had unfavourable attitude about EHR. The study concluded that there is lack of knowledge as well as unfavourable attitude towards the electronic health record. Nurses need to get training program regarding Electronic Health Records.