Background: It is important for health-care workers to know the accuracy of pallor in detecting anaemia, and if positive what level of anaemia clinical pallor can detect with confidence. Thus, this study was planned to assess the accuracy of clinical pallor compared to haemoglobin measured by automated analyzer for detecting severity of anaemia. Methodology: This cross sectional observational study was conductedin total 315 children. Conjunctival pallor, palmer crease pallor, tongue pallor was noted clinically as per standardised criteria. Hemoglobin was level were assessed using automated hematology analyser.
Results: Strong uphill correlation was detected between haemoglobin measurement observed by Sahli’sHb method and lab Hb test method. Pallor at all sites of clinical examination showed significant association with severe anaemia. Pallor at all sites of clinical examination except palm pallor showed significant association with moderate anaemia. Maximum sensitivity for diagnosing severe anaemia (99.3%) as well as moderate anaemia (92.7%) was shown by Palm pallor while maximum specificity for diagnosing severe anaemia (64.6%) as well as moderate anaemia (84.2%) was shown by tongue pallor.
Conclusion: Diagnosis by palm pallor followed by confirmation by conjunctival pallor can be best possible approach. Sahli’shaemoglobinometer though useful and corresponding to laboratory haemoglobin must be only used in peripheral field and confirmation of Hb must be done by standardised laboratory method at the earliest possible opportunity.