In the present study, due to administration of alloxan the level of blood glucose was found to be increased by 330% on the fifteenth day of exposure period. In case of alloxanized rat due to adminstration of ethanol extract of S. potatorum the level of blood glucose was found to be increased by 123% and 128% on the fifteenth and thirtieth day of exposure respectively. Further, due to tolbutamide, the level of blood glucose was reduced in rat by 73% on the fifteenth day of exposure and the same was 90% on thirtieth day. The level of enzymes viz AST, ALT and ALP in the liver of rat maintained as control, alloxanised rat, the lone effect of ethanol extract of S. potatorum, antidiabetic drug, tolbutamide and alloxan in combination with ethanol extract of S. potatorum was assayed. In the present study, due to administration of alloxan the level of AST was found to be increased by 23.4% after fifteen days of exposure period. In alloxanized rat due to administration of ethanol extract of S. potatorum the level of AST was found to occur as 6.9 and 10.9 percentages on the fifteenth and thirtieth days of exposure respectively. Further, due to tolbudamide, the level of AST was decreased in rat by 2.1% on the 15th day of exposure.