Introduction: Forgotten/ Retained Double J stents are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, if not intervened timely. So the presentresearch was doneto study consequences, management and their potential complications of forgotten/ retained DJ stents.
Material and Methods: We retrospectively analysed the records of patients presented to the Department of Urology , KILPAUK MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL with forgotten or long term retention of DJ stents from January 2016 to January 2019. All cases were reviewed for age, gender, indication for insertion of DJ stent, duration of stent insertion, radiological images and surgical procedures performed.
Results: During studyperiod, totalof 15patients reported to our department with history of forgotten/ retained DJ stents. 3 patients had severe encrustations with both renal and vesical calculus. 4 out of 10 patients with severe encrustation & patients had fracture stents and vanishing portions of stents.2 patients presentedwith renalfailure. 3 patients with mild encrustation, A combination of CLT(Cystolithotripsy), PCNL,Ureteroscopy, ESWL and open surgeries were done to clear the stones and extract the DJ stent.
Conclusion: Forgotten or retainedDJ stent is a source of severe morbidity. Pre procedural and post procedural operative counselling of the patient regarding the DJ stent is necessary.