Background: Oral manifestations are produced during different stages of leukemia and often reflects underlying systemic disesae, can be used as diagnostic indicator.This study was done to evaluate various oral complications produced by leukemia patients and to estimate the salivary amylase and salivary total protein levels in these patients to support the diagnostic value of saliva.
Material and Methods: A total of thirty patients of leukemia after confirmed diagnosis, who were not on chemotherapy drugs were included in the study group. 30 age and sex matched healthy individuals were enrolled as controls. Unstimulated saliva was analyzed for salivary amylase and salivary total proteins by autoanalyzer the same day.
Result: Patients in leukaemia group showed a significant increase in mean serum amylase levels when compare to controls (p=0.02).Although the mean salivary protein levels were higher in leukemia group but this difference was not significant statistically (p= 0.355).
Conclusion: As leukemia patients showed higher salivary amylase and salivary total protein levels than control group and there is associated oral complications in leukemia group. This indicates decline in oral health with associated changes in saliva composition in leukemia patients. Hence supports the diagnostic value of saliva in coexisting systemic diseases such as leukemias.