Introduction: Drug addiction has several consequences that undermine the drug addict lifestyle, but there is still a lot more to study about this phenomenon. Objective: To establish the social and neuropsychological profile of drug addicts to serve as a guidance for prevention plans in Ecuador.
Methodology: The study design was cross-sectional, correlational, ethnographic and descriptive. Personalised interviews were conducted with 65 participants aged between 20 to 40 years old who have used cannabis, cocaine, and cocaine base drugs; amongstothers during1 to 12 years. The population are currently taking part in the drug addiction rehabilitation centresin different geographical zones of the country.
Findings: The neuropsychological profile shows 33.9% of attention problemsare linked to phonological matters while 87.7% are linked to visuospatial andmnesic imbalance during coding and evocation.
Conclusions: The neurological and social profile of an Ecuadorian drug addict is complex and there is still the need to deepen more regarding social factors, type of substances, frequency of use and the amount of drugs.