There are more than 350 mud volcanoes onshore and offshore in Azerbaijan, related to sediments between Paleogene and Miocene epoch. The Shamakhi-Gobustan region occupies a large area of the Greater Caucasus southeastern subsidence and is characterized by the most widespread occurrence of mud volcanoes. There are 120 mud volcanoes in the region. The region is also known as a widespread zone of surface manifestations of oil shale. Eruption of mud volcanoes finishes with emission of products at a depth of up to 6-8 km and more. These products are sole data, which contain information on geology of deep deposits of region, where have not been studied with drilling or detailed geophysical surveys. In the paper has been studied oil shale and oil-saturated rocks of the Eocene-Miocene epoch, brought from the different depths to the Earth's surface with the eruptions of mud volcanoes. The amount of organic matter in oil shale ranges between 7.56-42.55%. The results of geochemical analysis of oil shale and oil saturated rocks make possible to estimate the areas on hydrocarbon generation and accumulation in deep-seated Sediments. Also, studies in these areas provide great opportunities for exploring shale gas in Azerbaijan.