Quality of life of the senior citizens: a study of female senior citizens in mumbai

Ritu Vashisht

The life expectancy has increased worldwide, which has resulted in a sharp increase in the number of senior citizens. There is a growing concern about how the elderly people will be supported and cared for in the 21st century. The present challenge is how to ensure that people will be enabled to age with security and dignity. The lack of understanding and insight into the factors influencing Quality of Life (QOL) of the senior citizens is largely responsible for the elderly being denied a dignified existence. The present research study is undertaken for understanding the status and quality of life of female senior citizens in Mumbai. Many of the females if not working earlier depend completely on their spouse and children for their respectful living after the age of 60 years. The present study focus on analysis of quality of life of female senior citizen in Mumbai on the basis of three parameters: Financial support, Family and Social Support and Health Conditions. Total 400 women respondents above 60 years of age from suburban and urban districts of Mumbai participated in the survey. The data regarding quality of life has been collected through a structured questionnaire method. The findings of the present study aimed to benefit and empower women senior citizens by focusing on specific parameters to improve their quality of Life.

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