Credit is considered as a vital input required by farmers for farm investment and adoption of new technology. The present study was confined to the farmers in four villages in Malur taluk in Kolar district of Karnataka. Data were collected from primary sources. A multistage random sampling technique was adopted in selecting the sample of crop loan overdue of farmers. The statistical technique used in the analysis are multiple regression analysis. An analysis was carried out to find out the factors which have a greater influence on the croploan over dues. A set of factors namely crop loan overdue (X1), amount of credit (X2), land holdings (X3), consumption expenditure (X4), capital expenditure (X5), farm income (X6), non-farm income (X7) and total variable cost (X8) were selected . The farmers had the larger share in the crop loan overdue as the loan had been distributed among various crops like vegetables, leafy vegetables, spices and grains in Agrahara, Kambipura, Koduru and Araleri area. The recovery of loans depends upon the cumulative efforts of the borrowers and the institutional factors.