Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to find out the attitudes inview of gender if there is any gap between male and female teachers about the teaching profession.
Design/methodology/approach – Qualitative in Nature, Interviews, 4 participants, A sample of 3 male participants and 1 Female Teacher,
Findings – The paper reveals that Pakistani males report very traditional attitudes towards working females. Moreover, the single, unemployed, young and educated Pakistanis female report less traditional attitudes towards working females compared with married, old, employed, and less educated ones. Age was found to the most important predictor of the males’ attitudes towards working females.
Originality/value – The paper contributes to the knowledge in the field of the teaching profession as differences in Gender. Second, it contributes to the knowledge of the topic of women’s employment in Pakistan, which is understudied in academia.
Background of the Study
In the literature some factors have been found which affects the attitudes of students and teachers towards the teaching profession as shown by the following some studies.
• Bradley (1995, p. 14) states that:
1. Inadequate funding of schools,
2. Lack of support from parents and community,
3. Insufficient salaries
Are some important factors which affect the attitudes of students and teachers to not joining this profession (as cited in Khurshid, Gradezi and Noureen 2014).
• Khurshid, Gradezi and Noureen (2014) stated that the school teaching is:
1. Low paid
2. low standard of living
3. unsuitable profession for males
4. more suitable for females in our society
Osunde& Izevbigie (2006) revealed that there are critical factors responsible for teachers’ low status.
1. teachers are not well financially remunerated
2. they are looked down upon
3. delay in payment of salaries and allowances.
4. Poor conditions of service,
5. wider negative influence
6. teacher’s negative personal and professional behavior
This situation has resulted in the low esteem and status of the teachers and the teaching profession in the society.