Background: Head injury recognized as a major public health problem that is frequent cause of death and disability worldwide. No effective management therapy exists for traumatic brain injury. Such cases are treated conservatively with pharmacological agents alone and in combination of surgery and rehabilitation. This study was conducted to identify the clinical features, management and outcome of head injury cases.
Material and Methods: A total of 100 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of head injury were studied. Patients were evaluated by Glasgow coma scale andX-ray and CT scan. 89 patients were managed conservatively. The remaining 11 patients underwent emergency craniotomy.
Results: Majority of cases had history of road traffic accident and unconsciousness
was leading clinical presentation. Of the 89 patients who were managed conservatively 10 expired accounting for a mortality rate of 11.23%. Of the 11 patients managed operatively 6 died (54.5%). Mortality was highest in adults with GCS between 3-8.
Conclusion: Predicting outcome in patients of severe head injury is a challenging task. Immediate GCS, radiological evaluation, surgical intervention and intensive care in all appropriate cases can improve the final outcome.