Aim: we conducted study to compare latent lip prints & visible lip prints and to correlate Lip prints with facial profile of an individual as individual identification tool.
Materials & Methods: 90 individuals (45 males and 45 females) were taken. Latent lip prints were recorded and developed using black graphite powder. Facial profile of the individuals was recorded using skeletal sagittal jaw relations, Dento-alveolar relation and Soft tissue relations. Results obtained were statistically analyzed.
Results: All developed lip prints matched with their visible counterparts. Pearson correlation test was done to assess the correlation between skeletal profile & dental profile determinants with lip prints pattern. Type 1 and type 4 lip prints pattern showed significant correlation with skeletal and dental parameters (p value < 0.05). Correlation between lip prints and soft tissue facial profile was analyzed using Fischer exact test and found that association between soft tissue profile and lip print type was statistically significant with the value of Fischer exact test17.107 (P= 0.016).
Conclusion: Visible lip prints showed resemblance to their latent lip prints pattern. Lip pattern showed a positive correlation with facial profile. Type I and type 4 lip prints showed significant correlation with interincisal angles and ANB angles.